How can I display book details on the product page?

The liquid code, liquid code with 3 icons and liquid code with horizontal scroll displays the book details. Follow the video tutorial on how to add this code to the store product page.

Can I import books in bulk?

Yes, you can create multiple book products at once. Just introduce into the admin page form textarea as many ISBNs as you need. The video tutorial explains how to do so.

Can I update existing inventory?

Now you can effortlessly update your inventory. Here's how it works (you have 2 ways of doing it).

1. Automatic Update. Navigate to “Settings” > choose "Update Inventory" > select the fields you wish to update > hit “Save”. Our app will then automatically update the products when you imported books that already exist in the inventory.

2. Manual Update. Navigate to “Settings” > select the fields you wish to update > hit “Save”. Then import a few books that you have in the inventory, and then click "Update book details” from the dropdown menu on the right side of each row.

Can I import books by scanning the book barcode?

Yes, you can scan the book barcode and the app automatically imports the book. Please follow the video tutorial on how to use the app's scanner integrated into Shopify POS app (available on Android and iOS).

How can I customize book-to-product mapping?

The app let's you map book details to product fields. For example, you can assign the book author to the vendor field, add publisher to tags, and much more. Navigate to "Settings" > under "Imported book to product " section fine tune your mapping.

What book details are imported?

The app imports the following book details:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Cover image
  • Authors
  • Publisher
  • Number of pages
  • Binding
  • Publication date
  • Dimensions
  • Weight
  • Categories

The title, description, and cover image are saved as regular product fields. All other fields are saved as product metafields.

Do I lose book details if I uninstall the app?

No, book details are not lost when the app is uninstalled. They remain as a part of the product fields and metafields, which aren't deleted when the app is uninstalled.

Have questions about pricing and billing?

Please visit Billing FAQ.